Thursday, September 07, 2006

moving time

That's right folks, it's moving time again! We get to pack up our belongings and shuffle on down the road to new adventures in apartments! Alex and I are packing up and moving yet again! At first, we thought it would be Berkeley, that we'd be moving to, but things have changed. They have sunshine there, and that was tempting, but traveling back and forth 6 days a week on bart wasn't tempting. And then, the $300 a month that that would cost us ended the prospects of moving there. So, San Francisco, here we STAY!!!!!

We're currently attempting to move close to school. There are two large apartment buildings there, one is fairly priced, but impossible to get into, and the other is insanely priced and too easy to get into. So, do we starve, or work to squeeze our way into the impossible one? You guess. Alex is actually going over to the impossible apartment building today, with money and applications. I only hope he's successful. We would both LOVE to be able to walk to school, that would be too cool. And then, on muni, we're still only 30 minutes away from downtown. So, keep your fingers crossed for us. And hey, if you own or know someone who owns a great apartment building in San Francisco, shoot me an email....I'd love to talk to you!

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